Monday 16 December 2013

Why we love cluster eyelash extensions!!

For those of you that don't know, there are several, well, many, different types of eyelash extensions available on the market. From plasticky DIY sets, to synthetic, mink fur & human hair lashes with variety of different lengths, curl shapes & colours.

To keep things simple, we just use one type which is quick, easy, affordable and looks amazing.


Let me explain. Hot Stuff is the brand (our business), Knot-Free means there is no 'bump or knot' at the end of the lashes where they are adhered and held together, and Cluster means there is a group of individual lashes per 'strand' which is applied to your own lashes.

We prefer clusters because they are QUICK (20-30 min per full set), EASY (There are 4 different lengths to choose from and you can mix them and/or make them as thick or natural looking as you like) & LOOK AMAZING, they really do highlight your face incredibly, thus eliminating the need to wear as much makeup (especially mascara - bye bye panda eyes)!

One of the main differences between the cluster lashes and the individual or grafted lashes, is that they do not last as long, this is true... however, eyelashes grow surprisingly fast (who knew) and because the individual ones last up to 6 weeks or so, generally by this time they have grown out quite a lot and can begin to twist or bend and look funny, and need to be removed professionally or wait until they grow out and fall off. Individuals generally cost anywhere from $80-$200 for a good set, usually take over an hour to apply, and refills can be anywhere from $50-$150 every month or so.

Clusters normally last between 2-4 weeks (it varies per person) the glue they are attached with is generally not as strong, which is better for your natural lashes in the long run. The cluster lashes also look a lot thicker than the individuals which means there doesn't need to be as many applied to achieve a full look, or many can be applied if the client wants a very full and 'fake' look. The clusters can also be removed at home by the client after a while when they have started to grow out, by soaking them with hot water and using makeup remover wipes or similar to dissolve the glue and slide the lashes off gently, thus not causing any damage. A full set of clusters is anywhere from $35-$45, takes 20-30min to apply and refills are anywhere from $10-$20.

So, that's why we like clusters. And the fact that you don't need to wear mascara with them on, it's great. I hate mascara.

Of-course it is all personal preference which method you prefer or recommend or use etc - as is everything in life. One method is not better than another, they are just different.

If you wish to come in and trial our cluster eyelash extensions in Brisbane, you can check out our website for more info or to make an appointment :)

Thanks for reading,

Carissa x